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| | |___Kenya
| | |___Lesotho
| | |___Liberia
| | |___Libya
| | |___Madagascar
| | |___Malawi
| | |___Mali
| | |___Mauritania
| | |___Mauritius
| | |___Mayotte
| | |___Morocco
| | |___Mozambique
| | |___Namibia
| | |___Niger
| | |___Nigeria
| | |___Republic of the Congo
| | |___Reunion
| | |___Rwanda
| | |___Saint Helena
| | |___Sao Tome and Principe
| | |___Senegal
| | |___Seychelles
| | |___Sierra Leone
| | |___Somalia
| | |___Sudan
| | |___Swaziland
| | |___Tanzania
| | |___Togo
| | |___Tunisia
| | |___Uganda
| | |___Western Sahara
| | |___Zambia
| | |___Zimbabwe
| |___Asia
| | |___Afghanistan
| | |___Bahrain
| | |___Bangladesh
| | |___Bhutan
| | |___Brunei
| | |___Cambodia
| | |___China
| | |___Christmas Island
| | |___Cocos Islands
| | |___East Timor
| | |___Hong Kong
| | |___India
| | |___Indonesia
| | |___Iran
| | |___Iraq
| | |___Israel
| | |___Japan
| | |___Jordan
| | |___Kazakhstan
| | |___Kuwait
| | |___Kyrgyzstan
| | |___Laos
| | |___Lebanon
| | |___Macau
| | |___Malaysia
| | |___Maldives
| | |___Mongolia
| | |___Myanmar
| | |___Nepal
| | |___North Korea
| | |___Oman
| | |___Pakistan
| | |___Palestine
| | |___Philippines
| | |___Qatar
| | |___Saudi Arabia
| | |___Singapore
| | |___South Korea
| | |___Sri Lanka
| | |___Syria
| | |___Taiwan
| | |___Tajikistan
| | |___Thailand
| | |___Turkey
| | |___Turkmenistan
| | |___United Arab Emirates
| | |___Uzbekistan
| | |___Vietnam
| | |___Yemen
| |___Europe
| | |___Albania
| | |___Andorra
| | |___Armenia
| | |___Austria
| | |___Azerbaijan
| | |___Belarus
| | |___Belgium
| | |___Bosnia Herzegovina
| | |___Bulgaria
| | |___Croatia
| | |___Cyprus
| | |___Czech Republic
| | |___Denmark
| | |___Estonia
| | |___Faroe Islands
| | |___Finland
| | |___France
| | |___Georgia
| | |___Germany
| | |___Gibraltar
| | |___Greece
| | |___Guernsey
| | |___Hungary
| | |___Iceland
| | |___Ireland
| | |___Italy
| | |___Latvia
| | |___Liechtenstein
| | |___Lithuania
| | |___Luxembourg
| | |___Macedonia
| | |___Moldova
| | |___Monaco
| | |___Netherlands
| | |___Norway
| | |___Poland
| | |___Portugal
| | |___Romania
| | |___Russia
| | |___San Marino
| | |___Serbia and Montenegro
| | |___Slovakia
| | |___Slovenia
| | |___Spain
| | |___Sweden
| | |___Switzerland
| | |___Ukraine
| | |___United Kingdom
| | |___Vatican City
| |___North America
| | |___Anguilla
| | |___Antigua and Barbuda
| | |___Aruba
| | |___Bahamas
| | |___Barbados
| | |___Belize
| | |___Bermuda
| | |___British Virgin Islands
| | |___Canada
| | |___Cayman Islands
| | |___Costa Rica
| | |___Cuba
| | |___United States
| |___Oceania
| | |___American Samoa
| | |___Australia
| | |___Cook Islands
| | |___Federated States of Micronesia
| | |___Fiji
| | |___French Polynesia
| | |___Guam
| | |___Kiribati
| | |___Marshall Islands
| | |___Nauru
| | |___New Caledonia
| | |___New Zealand
| | |___Niue
| | |___Norfolk Island
| | |___Northern Mariana Islands
| | |___Palau
| | |___Papua New Guinea
| | |___Pitcairn Islands
| | |___Samoa
| | |___Solomon Islands
| | |___Tokelau
| | |___Tonga
| | |___Tuvalu
| | |___Vanuatu
| | |___Wallis and Futuna Islands
| |___South America
| | |___Argentina
| | |___Bolivia
| | |___Brazil
| | |___Chile
| | |___Colombia
| | |___Ecuador
| | |___Falkland Islands
| | |___French Guiana
| | |___Guyana
| | |___Paraguay
| | |___Peru
| | |___Suriname
| | |___Uruguay
| | |___Venezuela
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